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International Football Manager(Unlocked All) Calling all Football Manager fans! We have a new game for you and this time we’ve gone International! If you like old school retro Football Manager and Championship Manager-style games then you will love this. Following on from our original Retro Football Management title comes a whole new International Football adventure.
You will take charge of the greatest football teams that have ever competed in international tournaments. Use your football manager knowledge and soccer management skill to unlock each tournament in turn, from the iconic tournament in England in 1966 right through to its latest outing in Qatar 2022.
Journey through the history of soccer management in this fun retro game as you move through time unlocking tournaments and winning bonus features and points. Control teams like you used when you played Champ Manager, which international team should you use to try to unlock the 1974 tournament? Johan Cruyff’s Netherlands team, perhaps Gerd Muller for West Germany or maybe try to rewrite history and claim the title with Kenny Dalglish’s fantastic Scotland side – the choice is yours!
Start by choosing your international football squad. We have included the legends of the game as options, even in the tournaments they did not actually compete in: how would Maradona have done in 1978 or Pele in 1974? Start being a soccer manager and find out!
Points and bonus content are available if you have the skill to produce some football manager miracles. How about winning the title with Cameroon or Northern Ireland? You will need to identify opportunities to lift the title with the less famous sides; how good is your football knowledge?
If you are struggling to master any particular international football tournament then you could always use your points to help you out. You can collect points by hitting side challenges in all the tournaments, which include winning the golden ball, boot and team awards or even scoring a hattrick or winning 3 games in a row. Points can also be used to boost your team’s chances by increasing skill and fitness scores, so spend your points wisely!
International Football Manager gives you the chance to manage the greatest players in football history. So go on treat yourself to this classic football manager game that will make any commute fly by. What are you waiting for? Download now and dive into the history of football!
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